Glühbirne mit Pflanze

The learning platform for SMEs in Schleswig-Holstein

Digital change, disruptive technologies, increasing customer demands - all of this is is causing upheaval in companies and organizations. But how can you actively shape, change and position yourself optimally for the future? At EDIH.SH, you will not only receive valuable impulses, but also individual support in order to transform your visions into tangible successes. All services are free of charge for SMEs and public administrations.

Our Learning Opportunities

Professional development is a true key to success in the digital age! Those who continuously enhance their skills stay competitive, advance their digital expertise, and are well-prepared to tackle new challenges. Our learning platform offers a wide range of exciting and diverse opportunities - and the best part: they’re completely free!

Now is the perfect time to acquire new skills, explore fresh topics, or deepen your knowledge.

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